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Yom Kippur Sermon 5783

Rabbi Hoffman

Imagine, if you can, trying to define your life as succinctly as possible. I tried this thought exercise recently, and here’s what I discovered. The essence of who I am, of everything I have been passionate about throughout my life, can be reduced to three days. So here, my life, 58 years, in three days.

First day – Yom Kippur, 1973. My lifespan technically extends before the 1967 Six Day War, but I am simply...Read more...

Kol Nidre Sermon 2022 (5783)

Rabbi Hoffman

There are a number of Hollywood films about people who revisited a much earlier time in their lives. And when they return, having been enriched by decades of additional life experience, they do “better” the second time around with their situation. There’s Jennifer Garner in “13 Going on 30”, who discovers that her best male friend is in fact her bashert. Or Drew Barrymore in “Never Been Kissed,” who...Read more...

Rosh Hashanah 5783 - Day 2

David Kaplinsky

Shanah Tovah u’metukah. It is my distinct honor today to be able to share words of Torah on Rosh Hashanah here at my home of Shir Chadash; and though after realizing the gravity of the task I almost immediately regretted asking for the chance to do so, now that the Dvar Torah is written, I am so grateful to Rabbi Hoffman for this generous opportunity to speak with you all and have this rabbinic experience. 

A friend and mentor of mine, Rabbi Jeremy Markiz, recently shared a beautiful and challenging distillation of the essence of Rosh Hashanah and this season of return on his social media. He wrote:Read more...

Rosh Hashana Day 1, 5783

Rabbi Hoffman

In the days after the terror attacks of 9/11, my three sons were in the back of our minivan trying to make sense of what everyone around them was talking about constantly. The first question came from Ethan, then a four-year-old. He wanted to know how it could possibly have occurred that the planes had struck the twin towers by accident. He was immediately corrected by Reuven, then six - it didn’t happen by accident but...Read more...

Shlakh 5782 - The Fringes that Bind

David Kaplinsky

We live in a cynical age. With more devices and tools than ever that purport to make us happier, healthier, and to make the world a better place, we find that it has somehow become harder than ever to remember what our obligations are at any moment. The endless apps, text messages, emails, and news alerts leave our minds reeling and losing focus on what is really important and what actually makes us feel fulfilled and happy.


Behaalot'kha 5782: Gratitude and Change

David Kaplinsky

If you were following along with the Torah portion today, you might understand why it is a bit of a frightening parsha for me to begin to serve as a leader of a congregation. The section we read today contains a nightmarish vision of a community pushed beyond its limits with leadership struggling to manage the kvetching and threats to their authority. I sure can’t wait to be a Rabbi! The Israelites leave Mount Sinai, and just as after they...Read more...

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784